Jul 10, 2024


Pomodoro Timer, Non-Tracking Options, and Custom Work Hours

timeMaster updates

This update introduces several powerful tools designed to refine how you manage and track your time, enhancing productivity while offering greater control over your work sessions.

Pomodoro Timer

Boost your productivity with our new Pomodoro Timer. This feature includes detailed analytics for each session, providing insights into your focus, distraction, and collaboration levels. After each Pomodoro session, you have the option to manually enter feedback, helping you refine your future sessions.

Non-Tracking List

For enhanced privacy and focus, TimeMaster now allows you to specify apps and websites that should not be tracked. All tracking data remains stored locally on your device, ensuring your information is secure. For optimal tracking accuracy, we recommend keeping this exclusion list concise.

Set Work Hours

Tailor TimeMaster to fit your schedule by setting specific work hours. The app will record activities only during these designated times and pause tracking outside of them. Customize your work hours for individual days or apply a uniform schedule across the week.

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