This update introduces category deletion, comprehensive tracking control, idle detection, activity sorting, and detailed session insights for improved time management.
Option to stop tracking
We have introduced a new option to completely stop tracking. Previously, the option only allowed for halting activity tracking, while session tracking remained active, causing confusion. To address this, we have changed the label from ‘stop activity tracking’ to ‘stop tracking’ to …

TimeMaster has added support for the Arc browser! Arc, known for its powerful and user-friendly interface, is becoming a favorite among macOS users. This update means TimeMaster now offers support for a wide range of major browsers on macOS, including Google Chrome, Safari, Brave, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Mighty App, Ghost Browser, Opera, and more.
Previous Limitations: Before this update, while TimeMaster could track browsing time in Arc, it was unable to capture specific website URLs. This was …

TimeMaster’s latest update brings you the ability to edit and delete your recorded sessions. Now, manage your time-tracking history with more precision – perfect for correcting mistakes or removing personal or sensitive activities.
Editing Sessions: This feature allows you to adjust the duration or details of your sessions. You can also split a session into multiple segments or remove unwanted activities within a session. Here’s how:
Example: Suppose your session runs from 10 am to …